Why you want a microscope and what is a microscope used for.
The microscope is an optical instrument used to see the extremely small objects that are difficult to view by the naked eye.
When most people think of microscopes, biology and medicine probably come to mind. And the desire to learn about living things was most likely the main reason for the invention of the microscope. Today, however, microscopes are used in many other fields.
Their main use is to see the smaller organisms such as parasites and bacteria and then later used to analyze the organs that have been removed. With the advent of latest technology, these microscopes now come with digital cameras and other software solutions that allow the users to take a picture of organisms for analysis.
For example, geologists use microscopes to examine rocks and minerals and materials scientists use them to study plastics and polymers. Engineers use microscopes to study surface properties and structures of metals.
Forensic science is the study of crime scenes for the purpose of presenting evidence in courts of law. Evidence such as dust, glass, body fluids, hair, inks, and micro-organisms can be analyzed using microscopy.
Microscopes are also used in the service, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries to ensure the safety and quality of products. Scientists in these industries examine their products microscopically to identify any flaws or contaminant
These microscopes are also used by the doctors and pharmacologists who are involved in the research and development in order to study viruses and bacteria. Therefore, these microscopes played an ultimate role in the discovery, development and also the use of embryonic stem cells.
There are different types of microscopes available that are mostly used in the electron beam or Light-microscopy. The major categories are broadly categorized as Electron microscopes and light microscopes. These types have different features and used for different applications, so you just find the right one for your needs.
An electron microscope is a microscope that uses a beam of accelerated electrons as a source of illumination.
A light microscope (LM) is an instrument that uses visible light and magnifying lenses to examine small objects not visible to the naked eye or in finer detail than the naked eye allows.
So it is important to know about the details differences between these microscopes. Let’s read about the differences between light and electron microscopes:
For example, geologists use microscopes to examine rocks and minerals and materials scientists use them to study plastics and polymers. Engineers use microscopes to study surface properties and structures of metals.
Forensic science is the study of crime scenes for the purpose of presenting evidence in courts of law. Evidence such as dust, glass, body fluids, hair, inks, and micro-organisms can be analyzed using microscopy.
Microscopes are also used in the service, manufacturing, and pharmaceutical industries to ensure the safety and quality of products. Scientists in these industries examine their products microscopically to identify any flaws or contaminant
Difference between light microscope and electron microscope:
Serial no.
Point of difference
Light microscope
Electron microscope
A Light microscope also known as optical microscope is an optical instrument used to make objects larger in order to view their details.
An Electron microscope is an optical instrument that uses abeam of electron ns make objects larger for detailed view.
Using system
Simple to use.
Users require technical skills.
Substance to view
Can view both live and dead specimens.
Views only dead specimens.
Condition of surface
Poor surface view.
Good surface view and internal details.
Uses light rays to illuminate to specimens.
Uses a beam of electrons to view specimens.
Lenses are made of glasses.
Lenses are made of electro-magnets.
Cheap to buy and has low maintenance cost.
Very expensive to buy and maintenance.
Image type
Image is colored.
Image is black and white.
Resolving power
It has low resolving power.
It ahs high resolving power (0.0001micrometer), about 250 times higher than light microscope.
Magnification power
It has magnification of 500x to 1500x.
It has magnification to 1.00, 000x to 3, 00,000x.
Special requirement
Vacuum, filament, cooling system and high voltage electricity are required.
Vacuum, filament, cooling system and high voltage electricity is very essential requirement.
Identifying way of image
Image is seen identified by eyes through ocular lenses.
Image is received in zinc sulfate fluorescent screen on photographic plate.
Radiation is risk is absent.
There is risk of radiation leakage.
Specimen is stained with cooled dyes.
Specimen is coated with heavy metals in order to reflect electrons.
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