Importance of Microbiology

Microbiology is the branch of medical sciences which deals about the microorganisms that living in our environment or inside our body and causes diseases; it is also discuss about the prevention and cure of various diseases.

However the importance of microbiology is very important to know about the significance of microbiology.

The importance of microbiology is discussed below shortly.

The Micro-organisms; inside the human body.

We have, living on and in our bodies (e.g., on our skin and in our mouths
and intestinal tract), approximately 10 times as many microorganisms as
the total number of cells (i.e., epithelial cells, nerve cells, muscle cells,
etc.) that make up our bodies (10 trillion cells 10,100 trillion microbes). It has been estimated that perhaps as many as 500 to 1000 different species of micro-organisms live on and in us.

Collectively, these microbes are known as our indigenous micro-flora (or indigenous micro-biota) and, for the most part, they are beneficial to us.

For example, the indigenous micro-flora inhibit the growth of pathogens in those areas of the body where they live by occupying space, depleting the food supply, and secreting materials (waste products, toxins, antibiotics, etc.)That may prevent or reduce the growth of pathogens.

Some of the organisms that colonize (inhabit) our bodies are known as
opportunistic pathogens (or opportunists). Although such organisms do not usually cause us any problems, they have the potential to cause infections if they gain access to a part of our anatomy where they do not

For example, a bacterium called Escherichia coli (E. coli) lives
in our intestinal tracts. This organism does not cause us any harm as
long as it stays in our intestinal tract but can cause disease if it gains access to our urinary bladder, bloodstream, or a wound. Other opportunistic pathogens strike when a person becomes run down, stressed out, or debilitated (weakened) as a result of some disease or condition.

*Opportunistic pathogens can be thought of as micro-organisms awaiting the opportunity to cause disease*.

Effects of microorganism in environment.

Micro-organisms are essential for life on this planet as we know it.
For example, some microbes produce oxygen by the process known as photosynthesis. Actually, micro-organisms contribute more oxygen to our atmosphere than do plants.  

Many micro-organisms are involved in the decomposition of dead organisms and the waste products of living organisms. Collectively, they are referred to as decomposers or saprophytes.
By definition, a saprophyte is an organism that lives on dead and/or decaying organic matter.
#Imagine, living in a world with no decomposers. Not a pleasant thought!

Micro-organisms acts as decomposers

Saprophytes aid in fertilization by returning inorganic nutrients to the soil. They break down dead and dying organic materials (plants and animals) into nitrates, phosphates, and other chemicals necessary for the growth of plants

Some micro-organisms are capable of decomposing industrial wastes (oil-spills, for example).
Thus, we can use micro-organisms genetically engineered microbes, in some cases to clean-up after ourselves. The use of micro-organisms in this manner is called bioremediation.

Many micro-organisms are involved in elemental cycles (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorous cycles). In the nitrogen cycle, certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas in the air to ammonia in the soil.

Microbes act as good chemical changer

Certain soil bacteria then convert the ammonia to nitrites. Still other bacteria convert the nitrogen in nitrates to nitrogen gas, thus completing the cycle (IMAGE).
Knowledge of these microbes is important to farmers who practice crop rotation to replenish nutrients in their fields and to gardeners who keep compost pits as a source of natural fertilizer.
In both cases, dead organic material is broken down into inorganic nutrients (e.g. nitrates and phosphates) by micro-organisms.

*The study of the relationships between microbes and the environment is called Microbial-Ecology.

Important factor of micro-organisms: Effect on food chain

Algae and bacteria serve as food for tiny animals. Then, larger animals eat the smaller creatures, and so on. Thus, microbes serve as important links in food chains (IMAGE). Microscopic organisms in the ocean collectively referred to as plankton, serve as the starting point of many food chains.
Tiny marine plants and algae are called phytoplankton, whereas tiny marine animals are called zooplankton.

Researches on micro-organism:
Bio-technology and Genetic-Engineering.   

Many micro-organisms are essential in various food and beverage industries, while others are used to produce certain enzymes and chemicals.
The use of microorganisms in industry is called biotechnology.

Certain bacteria and fungi produce antibiotics that are used to treat patients with infectious diseases.

By definition, an antibiotic is a substance produced by a microorganism that is effective in killing or inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms.

*The use of microbes in the antibiotic industry is another example of Biotechnology*.   

Microbes are essential in the field of Genetic Engineering. In Genetic Engineering, a gene from one organism (e.g., from a bacterium, a human, an animal, or a plant) is inserted into a bacterial or yeast cell.

Because a gene contains the instructions for the production of a gene product (usually a protein), the cell that receives the new gene can now produce whatever product is coded for by that gene; so too can all of the cells that arise from the original cell.

Bacteria and yeasts have been engineered to produce a variety of useful substances, such as insulin, various types of growth hormone, interferon, and materials for use as vaccines.

Microbes used as cell models:

For many years, microbes have been used as “cell models.” The more, scientists learned about the structure and functions of microbial cells, the more they learned about cells in general.

*The intestinal bacterium E. coli is one of the most studied of all microbes.*  
By studying E. coli, scientists have learned a great deal about the composition and inner workings of cells, including human cells.

A big number of diseases caused by micro-organisms

Finally, we come to diseases. Micro-organisms cause two categories of
diseases: infectious diseases and microbial intoxications (Fig. 1–6). An infectious disease results when a pathogen colonizes the body and subsequently causes disease.

A microbial intoxication results when a person ingests a toxin (poisonous substance) that has been produced by a micro-organism. Of the two categories, infectious diseases cause far more illnesses and deaths. Infectious diseases are the leading cause of death in the world and the third leading cause of death in the United States (after heart disease and cancer).
Worldwide, infectious diseases cause about 50,000 deaths per day; the majority of deaths occur in developing countries.

How to protect human from infectious pathogens

Anyone pursuing a career in a healthcare profession must be aware of infectious diseases, the pathogens that cause them, the sources of the pathogens, how these diseases are transmitted, and how to protect oneself and your patients from these diseases.

Physicians’ assistants, nurses, dental assistants, laboratory technologists, respiratory therapists, orderlies, nurses’ aides, and all others who are associated with patients and patient care must take precautions to prevent the spread of pathogens.

Harmful micro-organisms may be transferred from health workers to patients; from patient to patient; from contaminated mechanical devices, instruments, and syringes to patients; from contaminated bedding, clothes, dishes, and food to patients; and from patients to healthcare workers, hospital visitors, and other susceptible persons.
To limit the spread of pathogens, sterile, aseptic, and antiseptic techniques are used everywhere in hospitals, nursing homes, operating rooms, and laboratories.
In addition, the bioterrorist activities of the past few years serve to remind us that everyone should have an understanding of the agents (pathogens) that are involved and how to protect ourselves from becoming infected.

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